BEDRA is taking part in “Christmas in a Shoe Box”!
The Christian charity “Geschenke der Hoffnung” (Presents of Hope) provides spiritual and material support to people in need all over the world. The campaign “Christmas in a Shoe Box” brings Christmas joy to young, underprivileged people.
The team at BEDRA has already been a supporter of this campaign for several years. This year, many of our employees once again lovingly assembled boxes for the project and sent them to Geschenke der Hoffnung for further distribution. In addition, BEDRA has also made a financial donation to the charity.
We’re glad that, with our commitment, we can make a child’s eyes light up with joy.
For more information about the campaign, please visit www.geschenke-der-hoffnung.org

New and practical – the BEDRA app.
Another step towards the future. In addition to the most up-to-date buying and selling prices, our new BEDRA customer app (currently only in German, for iPhone and iPad) enables you to check your current weight account balances and see a booking summary.
The app will also let you find the contact information for all relevant contact persons in the field crew and back office – and you can also check your own address list for completeness and up-to-dateness.
Go to the app store to find the app and install it on your mobile device. Registration is easy: request your individual login data via email or fax and get started today.

The new BEDRA online shop.
As of now you have the advantage of ordering products online. In the customer portal you can also find the current metal prices.
With a clear, easy to use layout, as well as being available 24/7, our new shop is sure to impress. Register now and request your log in details.
For data protection reasons, existing BEDRA customers must also go through the registration process.